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Needing some motivation?
Want to hear that you’re not alone in your efforts to stay organized?

Take a few minutes to read my musings. Maybe you can relate.

Are you Celebrating Your Success?

There are 2 types of people in the world. Those who add something to their to-do lists after they’ve done something, just so they can cross it off, and those who don’t. Which camp are you in?

Whether you create a handwritten to-do list or not, I’m asking you to think about the power of crossing something off your list. I’ve said this many times before, and I hope you understand the power of this. Your brain does a little happy dance when you cross a to-do off your list. The same goes for making a list of your accomplishments.

If you’re a monaplanner© user, you’ve seen the page after each weekly section that says, “Last Week’s Accomplishments”. Is yours blank, or filled with your completed tasks and projects? The latter I hope. The monaplanner© is intentionally designed based on how our brains work. When you make a list of your accomplishments, your brain feels the successes, and you’re motivated to do more.

why is this important?

Some of you are compelled to finish a project and move right on to the next thing. Your brain may only know one speed - MACH 10. When you don’t allow your brain and body to celebrate success and have a hit of dopamine, there may be danger in this. Cortisol, the stress hormone starts to take over, and that’s not a good thing. Read more about the science behind it here. When we do take time to celebrate, our body responds by wanting more of the same. More productivity. More creativity. More desire to do more good things. When we get the hit of dopamine, we’re training our brain to make the connection between the activities responsible for the results, and the result itself. And that’s a good thing!

simple steps to take to increase the flow of dopamine:

  1. Start using the ‘Last Week’s Accomplishments’ page in your monaplanner©.

  2. Make a hand-written list of your to-do’s, and cross them off when you’re complete.

  3. Make time to share your successes with a trusted friend or colleague. Sharing will give you another hit of dopamine!

Ready for an easy to implement and simple to use planner? The monaplanner© is designed to maximize your brain functions. Just imagine how much more motivated, productive and efficient you’ll be!